You can make an appointment to see Dr de Waal by contacting his rooms on:
- 02 5642 4005
- 02 9012 0441
At your first appointment you will complete a registration form.
Please bring the following to your appointment:
- Referral letter from your doctor. (Please note a referral letter from your GP is valid for 12 months from the date it was written, whereas a referral letter from a Specialist lasts only 3 months.)
- Private health insurance information
- Medicare card, DVA card
- X-ray, MRI scans, CT scans and any other relevant investigations and reports. (some imaging investigations may now be available online)
Please note that this practice does not bulk bill consultations, and the fee needs to be settled at the time of the consultation.
Surgery is performed at the Coffs Harbour Base Hospital (public patients) and Baringa Private Hospital (private and self-funded patients)